Natural Disaster Reforestation


This project will reforest private lands impacted by natural disasters (hurricanes, wildfires, floods, etc.) throughout the Southeast. Native species including longleaf, shortleaf, slash and loblolly pine will be planted where appropriate based on the site conditions. Plantings will benefit watershed protection, enhance wildlife habitat, and sequester carbon.


The importance of this project:

The majority of forestland in the Southeast occurs on private lands and these lands are critical to providing the collective ecological benefits that forests provide in this region. Plantings will benefit watershed protection, enhance wildlife habitat, improve forest resilience, and sequester carbon.

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Different tree species will be planted including Loblolly Pine, Slash Pine, Shortleaf Pine & Longleaf Pine.

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Trees will be planted.

Community Benefits:

This project will help private landowners reforest their lands. Many of the landowners included in this project lack adequate financial resources to complete reforestation activities. Selective harvests in the future will benefit rural local economies, many of which are dependent on the forestry industry for employment opportunities.