We're just a seedling

Young, fun and exciting. We’re capturing the best of both worlds in a movement to help
our members GO green to MAKE green.

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Planting the seed for change.

The world around us is changing. Climate change has become a global threat and unprecedented times of uncertainty have left many people unsure about what the future holds. So an idea sprouted. Plantd was created as a movement which allows people to have trees planted on their behalf.

We recognize that a global crisis can seem overwhelming, but we’re here to help you do your part; for the world, and for yourself. The same way one tiny seed can sprout into a mighty tree, together we can make a massive impact.

Plantd is just a seedling – young, fun and exciting. We’re capturing the best of both worlds in a movement to help our members GO green to MAKE green. And it’s so simple. We’re empowering you to refer friends, family, and coworkers to join the movement for the best possible chain reaction. More people = more trees planted = a better environment.

Now for the facts: 15 billion trees are lost annually to deforestation. Young trees absorb CO2 at a rate of 13 pounds per tree each year. Trees reach their most productive stage of carbon storage at about 10 years at which point they are estimated to absorb 48 pounds of CO2 per year which means that with each tree we lose, the planet is suffocating. Joining the movement will help offset those losses and achieve carbon neutrality. Look at your screen time this week. Now imagine if you had spent even a fraction of that time on Plantd, being proactive, and doing your part for the environment. Help us breathe life back into the atmosphere by working with like-minded organizations to maximize our impact.

Never Underestimate The Power of a Seed

Just one singular tree can make a change, and so can you. The seed has been PlantD, now go grow.

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